Monday, November 30, 2015

3D Printing

For this project, we could create any object that would be 3D printed. I decided to create a key chain with my name on it because it is very hard to find a key chain with my name on it. Also, on the bottom of the key chain it says class of 2016 because I wanted to make my key chain somewhat memorable. I still need to paint my key chain to make the letters come out more.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Mr. Mandel

For this project, I morphed Howie Mandel from America's Got Talent with Mr. Clean. I just chose those two because I wanted to do Mr. Clean because I thought he would be easy to work with and I also did Howie Mandel because he kind of reminds me of Mr. Clean. I honestly don't feel pressured by society to look the way I am.

Friday, November 6, 2015

Instrument Horse

For this project, I created a horse made out of different instruments and stuff related to music. I just found it difficult to fit in all the different instruments without losing the whole image. I still feel like the legs of the horse look really weird because the pieces didn't exactly fit with the legs of the actual horse picture. My favorite part of this horse is its head. I just think that it totally looks like the head of a real horse. 

Monday, November 2, 2015

Altered Portrait

For this project we were told to use one picture of ourselves and change up the picture a bit. I decided to do the pencil sketch method because I thought that would look really cool and be really fun to do. I chose the picture of me and my best friend Sophia. This project turned out really well and it didn't take that long as I thought it would. The only problem I had for this project was finding out the right picture to use for this project.