For this project, I worked with Claire and Emmaly. We were stuck between several ideas for this project. We came up with the ideas of having stuffed animals come to life, building a house, playing iphone apps (like 2048 using sticky notes). We ended up combining the ideas of stuffed animals coming to life and playing on the iphone.This is our story board and basically we just wanted the stuffed bear to roll to the phone after a person leaves a room and the bear turns on the iphone to play the game Snake. The bear then loses the game after the snake eats a few apples and then the bear rolls back over when he hears the person come back up the stairs.
We found that this project was difficult when we had to stop working for the day and come back the next day trying to find the same angle the camera was placed the day before. We also found it difficult to try and work with the camera at some points. We got the hang of it by the last day though. If there was anything I wanted to fix, it would be the audio. The audio is a little off but if we had more time, we could have fixed that up better. I feel like we did a great job of incorporating all the things we did from our storyboard to our animation video.
Hope you enjoy the video!!
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